Podrobný popis:
- předmětem veřejné zakázky je dodání femtosekundové hřebeny
- a) The 171Yb+ optical clock clockwork (for both E2 and E3 transitions, each of the fundamental wavelengths 871 nm, 934 nm can be used as reference and the system shall generate a high quality 10 MHz signal derived from the optical frequency)
- b) Accurate determination of the ratio of the optical frequencies of the E2/E3 clock lasers
- c) Frequency transfer (accuracy and stability) to another optical wavelength - single frequency laser 1542.14 nm. This laser and its comb stabilization is optionally included
- d) Frequency measurement (optional stabilization) of the fundamental (740 nm) frequency of the cooling laser. In case of stabilization, the offset of the comb mode should be adjustable
- e) Measurement of the frequency of the wavelength standards – 633 nm, 1064 nm and 1542 nm, and optionally other wavelengths
- (f) Provision of fs comb radiation for length/spectroscopic measurements
- Laboratorní, optické a přesné přístroje a zařízení (mimo skel)
- okres Brno
Termín pro podání nabídek:
- 31. 01. 2024 ve 23:59 hodin
Kritéria výběru:
- nejnižší nabídková cena